The TUM ideas contest
Academicus 2012
Any idea that might help to improve TUM’s study or teaching situation can be submitted. The competition winners will be rewarded with 500 Euros each and will receive their prizes at the annual academic festival Dies Academicus on December 6, 2012.
Who can participate?
Whether you are a new student or have already been studying or working at the TUM for a long time – care will be taken when selecting the winners that the interests of all the groups are taken into account.
What kind of proposals are welcome?
The range of possibilities is as wide as the TUM itself. Just ask yourself what the TUM could improve, change or introduce to suit your needs even better. A creative student initiative that calls for support in order to be developed is just as acceptable as a proposed technological advancement that would make work / life at TUM easier. An overview of the past years' successful ideas and further details are available at:
How to submit your suggestion?
Ideas will be evaluated from the point of view of their feasibility, the degree of innovation and their benefit for the university and its members. So it would be helpful if you also include some thoughts and ideas about implementation. We accept informal e-mails as well as elaborate individual or cooperative concepts. Send your ideas to: ideenwettbewerb
TU München
Student Service Center – Feedback Management
Nina Grote
Arcisstr. 21
80333 Munich
Phone: (089) 289-22361