Learning skills
Learning how to learn
The focus lies on getting to know one’s own learning behavior and to optimize it – in short: learning to learn.
All courses are free of charge for TUM students. www.prolehre.tum.de/learning
During our consultation-hours, students can pose further individual questions and get personal advice and suggestions on their individual learning process: Here you get answers if you have specific questions about learning goals in the present semester or, for example, if you want to try out a new learning method.
Contact: lernkompetenz @prolehre.tum.de
Contact, information and registration:
Ellen Taraba, Michael Hellwig, Cornelia Entner & Christina Wekerle
ProLehre, Carl von Linde-Akademie
Tel. (089) 289-25363
E-Mail: lernkompetenz @prolehre.tum.de
News: www.facebook.com/prolehre