15 years of "Women of TUM"
Connecting, inspiring, building bridges

Eight alumnae from different regions of the world founded the "Women of TUM" during a seminar in Singapore. Their aim was to strengthen the exchange between women at our university. "We want to exchange ideas and opinions and support each other in our activities and lives. In our women's network, we can discuss issues that specifically affect us as women, such as women's career strategies. Above all, we can also encourage young women who are interested in studying," said Prof. Ying Zhang when the network was founded in 2009. In addition to her, the founding committee included Karen Teo, Diyana Kostovska, Alija Moldagazyyeva, Dr. Tatyana Vlasyuk, Prof. Iman Emam Omar Gomaa, Linlin Meng and Prof. Gabriela Iulia David.
The first patron was Dr. Hannemor Keidel, a TUM graduate herself. She was followed in 2019 by Prof. Claudia Peus. "It is a personal concern of mine to promote the advancement of women at our university. We have achieved a lot in recent years and have been able to steadily increase the number of female professors, researchers and students," says Claudia Peus, TUM's Senior Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity since 2017. "The 'Women of TUM' make an important contribution to this. They show what is possible with commitment and solidarity, and how strong women can form an even stronger network. However, there is still a lot to be done to ensure equal opportunities. That's why I hope that 'Women of TUM' will continue to grow and thus enable the personal growth of many others.“
Events in the anniversary year
"Women of TUM" thrives on the commitment and ideas of its members. Many of them are once again sharing their time, knowledge and experience with the TUM community during the anniversary year.
Planned events:
- May 07, 5 p.m.: Lecture with Q&A "Empowering Women in Science Management and Leadership", speaker: TUM Alumna Prof. Dr. Andrea Büttner (PhD Food Chemistry 2006)
- July 25, 18:00-19:30: Lecture "Impostor Phenomenon", Speaker: TUM Alumna Nina Feustel-Durst (Diploma TUM-BWL 2012)
- October 8, 17:00-20:00: Group coaching "Impostor Phenomenon", speaker: TUM Alumna Nina Feustel-Durst (Diploma TUM-BWL 2012)
- November 21, 18:00-19:00: Book presentation "Why me? Life after an accident or a disease", speaker: Ximena Tiscareno-Osorno (doctoral candidate)
- Winter semester: Lecture "The gut - our second brain?", Speaker: TUM Alumna Hannah Samira Schmidt (Bachelor Biochemistry 2020)
Planned network meetings:
- Women of TUM Meetup in summer
- Women of TUM Meetup in the advent season
- Women of TUM Meetup for Power Engineers: on the initiative of a group of 12 female students and young alumnae
- Women of TUM
- A lively exchange also takes place online in the Women of TUM Community group
Technical University of Munich
Corporate Communications Center
- Andreas Schmidt
- a.schmidt @tum.de
- presse @tum.de
- Teamwebsite
Contacts to this article:
Rebecca Körner
Women of TUM network
+49 89 289 29071
womenoftum @tum.de