Facts and Figures

TUM is one of Europe's best universities. Since 1868 TUM has constantly performed at the vanguard of university rankings, with TUM members regularly earning renowned honors and awards. Discover the key to these successes.

Street scene on our Munich campus

The university in figures

Nobel Prizes
Start-ups a year

Awards and honors

Members of our university regularly receive prominent honors. TUM itself also awards renowned prizes.

Awards and Honors


Our faculty includes over 600 professors, with the share of women among them constantly increasing.

Our professors


The Polytechnic School Munich was founded in 1868. Discover the milestones on the School's journey to becoming today's TUM.


University of Excellence

TUM has been honored three times in a row as one of Germany's top universities. The goal: Top-class international performance.

University of Excellence

Ranking positions

Vanguard positions Germany-wide, optimum study conditions, top grades from the corporate sector: TUM performs excellently in international ranking lists.


  • 10/30/2020
  • Reading time 1 min.

New members in German Advisory Council on Global Change

Prof. Jörg Drewes appointed to German Federal Advisory Council

The German Federal Cabinet has appointed new members to the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). The three previous members were reconfirmed. Among the six new scientists being appointed to the advisory body for the first time is Prof. Jörg Drewes of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Prof. Jörg Drewes. A. Heddergott / TUM
Prof. Jörg Drewes.

The WBGU is an independent scientific advisory body of the German federal government, advising policymakers in matters regarding global environmental changes. The German Federal Cabinet has now approved the new appointment of members for the eighth term of office. The members are experts with various research focus areas such as economics, physical and social sciences as well as environmental legal science. The appointments will last from November 1, 2020 until October 31, 2024.

Prof. Jörg Drewes, appointed to the advisory body for the first time together with five other scientists, is the head of the Professorship for Urban Water Systems Engineering at TUM. His research focuses on the development of sustainable water treatment procedures, including water recycling as well as the analysis of organic trace elements and pathogens and their removal from water.

Drewes studied environmental engineering at the TU Berlin from 1987 to 1992. After earning his PhD he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Arizona State University, where he assumed the position of Associate Director of the National Center for Sustainable Water Supply. In 2001 he was appointed as a tenure track professor at the Colorado School of Mines and promoted to a full professorship there in 2010. He was appointed professor at TUM in 2013.

Technical University of Munich

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