Facts and Figures
TUM is one of Europe's best universities. Since 1868 TUM has constantly performed at the vanguard of university rankings, with TUM members regularly earning renowned honors and awards. Discover the key to these successes.
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Awards and honors
Members of our university regularly receive prominent honors. TUM itself also awards renowned prizes.
Our faculty includes over 600 professors, with the share of women among them constantly increasing.
The Polytechnic School Munich was founded in 1868. Discover the milestones on the School's journey to becoming today's TUM.
University of Excellence
TUM has been honored three times in a row as one of Germany's top universities. The goal: Top-class international performance.
Ranking positions
Vanguard positions Germany-wide, optimum study conditions, top grades from the corporate sector: TUM performs excellently in international ranking lists.
High distinction from the American Astronomical Society
Sherry Suyu to receive 2021 Berkeley Prize
Determining the Hubble constant, a measure of the expansion of the universe, has been one of the most exciting challenges in physics for years: Measurements in today's universe provide different values than those inferred from the early phase of the universe.
Using light from far away quasars, which is bent by the gravitation of foreground galaxies, Prof. Sherry Suyu and her international team of astrophysicists have developed a new way of calculating the Hubble constant that is independent of all previous methods.
Honoring this achievement, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) has now awarded her the Lancelot M. Berkeley - New York Community Trust Award for meritorious work in astronomy. The prize includes a monetary award and an invitation to give the closing plenary lecture at the AAS winter meeting, which will take place from 11 to 15 January 2021 as an online event.
In addition to teaching as an Assistant Professor at TUM and her role as a Research Group Leader at the MPA, Suyu is a Visiting Scholar at the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) in Taipeh (Taiwan) and a principal investigator at the Cluster of Excellence "ORIGINS". Her H0LiCOW team includes scientists at institutions in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Taiwan.
H0LiCOW XIII. A 2.4% measurement of H0 from lensed quasars: 5.3 sigma tension between early and late-Universe probes
Kenneth C. Wong, Sherry H. Suyu, Geoff C.-F. Chen, Cristian E. Rusu, Martin Millon, Dominique Sluse, Vivien Bonvin, Christopher D. Fassnacht, Stefan Taubenberger, Matthew W. Auger, Simon Birrer, James H. H. Chan, Frederic Courbin, Stefan Hilbert, Olga Tihhonova, Tommaso Treu, Adriano Agnello, Xuheng Ding, Inh Jee, Eiichiro Komatsu, Anowar J. Shajib, Alessandro Sonnenfeld, Roger D. Blandford, Léon V. E. Koopmans, Philip J. Marshall, Georges Meylan
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stz3094, June 1, 2020 – DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz3094
Technical University of Munich
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Contacts to this article:
Prof. Dr. Sherry Suyu
Technische Universität München
Professur für Observational Cosmology
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 89 30000 2015 – E-Mail: sherry.suyu@tum.de
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