Teaching and Quality Management

Combining excellent research with excellent teaching – that is the aspiration of TUM. Teaching at our university is carried out according to the highest didactic and technical standards, oriented towards learning objectives and competency.

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Teaching Methods

Here you will find an overview of the didactic principles on which teaching at TUM is based, as well as assistance in designing courses and examinations.

Awards and Competitions

At TUM, there are a variety of forums and competitions for innovative teaching formats, outstanding didactic concepts and the exchange on the latest developments.

Dialogue on Teaching

At TUM, there are a number of regular events on the culture of teaching and learning that provide impetus for lecturing and space for discussion and exchange.

Quality Management

The goal of quality management is to design, establish and further develop attractive, challenging and internationally competitive degree programs.

Training for Teaching

Whether didactics, e-learning or evaluation – TUM offers a wide range of consulting and training services on all topics related to studying and teaching.

Internationalization Language Services

The Internationalization Language Services coordinates translations into English as well as (copy) editing, and provides the dict.tum terminology database.

Contact Quality Management

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Quality Management

Arcisstr. 19
80333 München


Contact ProLehre

ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Barer Str. 19
80333 München

E-Mail: infospam prevention@prolehre.tum.de


Handouts, guides, and templates: documents on teaching and QM.


News: Teaching and Learning

Bild von Helge Stein
Reading time: 2 Min.

NewIn: Helge Stein

"Radically accelerate the way we do research"

In this episode of NewIn, we meet Prof. Helge Stein. He develops new materials for catalysis and rechargeable batteries, and aims to connect and accelerate research in the lab using machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics.

Teaching Studies Research Sustainability Artificial Intelligence Community
Group photo of the TUM students participating in the EuroTeQ Collider 2024 in a lecture hall.
Reading time: 4 Min.

Students face real-world challenges at the EuroTeQ Collider

Creating sustainable networks

Creating connections with each other and our environment, strengthening them, and using them to drive the sustainability transformation – that's the aim of the fourth EuroTeQ Collider. In this EU-funded program, more than 60 TUM students recently tackled real-world problems from the business world. Three teams were particularly convincing and will now meet the project groups from the other EuroTeQ partner universities at the EuroTeQaThon in Paris. 

Teaching Studies Campus news Sustainability Community
Elias Singer, Werner Lang, Lucia Layritz, and the moderation team at the fishbowl discussion on the role of universities in climate crisis.
Reading time: 2 Min.

Environmental Lecture Series of TUM's Student Coucil provides impulses for transformation

Paths to a sustainability university

To counter the climate crisis, fundamental societal change is just as indispensable as groundbreaking technological innovation. Universities, as places of research and transfer, have an outstanding role to play in this. On May 31, in a fishbowl format entitled “The Role of Universities in the Climate Crisis and Climate Policy,” members of TUM discussed how this role can be shaped. The event is part of the Environmental Lecture Series organized by the Environmental Department of TUM‘s Student Council in the summer semester 2023.

Sustainability Campus news Studies Teaching
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Reading time: 3 Min.

First TUM Sustainability Day

Optimism and an eagerness to act

"We have to act now if we don't want to lose control of our future!", said TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann in calling for the realization of the TUM Sustainable Future Strategy 2030, which he introduced at the first TUM Sustainability Day. He added that the university wanted its commitment "to send a signal and provide powerful impetus for the acceleration of the transformation to sustainability."

Sustainability Campus news Entrepreneurship Research Studies Teaching President
[Translate to English:]
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy

TUM anchors sustainability as guiding vision for its Agenda 2030

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) has declared sustainability to be an integral guiding vision for its plan of action. President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann recently presented the TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030 at the first TUM Sustainability Day: "We intend to secure the resilience of our university and shape the sustainable transformation of society with responsibility, talented individuals, scientific excellence and innovative power. We are making TUM a catalyst for the tremendous changes inevitably emerging in our pursuit of sustainable development, taking ecological limitations, economic constancy and social justice into account."

Sustainability Campus news Research Studies Teaching President