Teaching and Quality Management

Combining excellent research with excellent teaching – that is the aspiration of TUM. Teaching at our university is carried out according to the highest didactic and technical standards, oriented towards learning objectives and competency.

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Teaching Methods

Here you will find an overview of the didactic principles on which teaching at TUM is based, as well as assistance in designing courses and examinations.

Awards and Competitions

At TUM, there are a variety of forums and competitions for innovative teaching formats, outstanding didactic concepts and the exchange on the latest developments.

Dialogue on Teaching

At TUM, there are a number of regular events on the culture of teaching and learning that provide impetus for lecturing and space for discussion and exchange.

Quality Management

The goal of quality management is to design, establish and further develop attractive, challenging and internationally competitive degree programs.

Training for Teaching

Whether didactics, e-learning or evaluation – TUM offers a wide range of consulting and training services on all topics related to studying and teaching.

Internationalization Language Services

The Internationalization Language Services coordinates translations into English as well as (copy) editing, and provides the dict.tum terminology database.

Contact Quality Management

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Quality Management

Arcisstr. 19
80333 München


Contact ProLehre

ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Barer Str. 19
80333 München

E-Mail: infospam prevention@prolehre.tum.de


Handouts, guides, and templates: documents on teaching and QM.


News: Teaching and Learning

TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann, Professor of Computer Science Prof. Manfred Broy, Friedrich L. Bauer's widow Hildegard Bauer, sculptor Ubbo Enninga, donor Ernst Denert, TUM President Emeritus Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann and Prof. Markus Schwaiger, President of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, next to the bust of Friedrich L. Bauer.
Reading time: 2 Min.

Father of informatics in Germany

TUM commemorates Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is marking the centenary of the birth of Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer, who held the university’s first informatics chair. A bust has now been officially unveiled outside the lecture hall named in his honor in the building of the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology in Garching. Prof. Bauer made decisive contributions toward establishing informatics as a scientific field. With ALGOL 60, he also laid the foundations for modern programming languages.

President Teaching Studies Campus news
Reading time: 2 Min.

EuroTeQ welcomes new members at the start of the second funding period

Shaping the Future of European Engineering

The successful EuroTeQ Engineering University expands its range and prepares for further shaping the future of European Engineering. At the start of the second funding phase by the European Union, two new excellent members were welcomed: the HEC Paris and IESE Business School Barcelona. On November 21 and 22, representatives of all eight partner universities came together at Technical University of Munich (TUM) to demonstrate their commitment to the joint transformation of student education and lifelong learning.

Campus news Studies Teaching President
Opening ceremony of the MDSI with science minister Markus Blume
Reading time: 3 Min.

Fresh impetus for data science

TUM opens Munich Data Science Institute

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is celebrating the official launch of the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI). As a central element of TUM AGENDA 2030, it is funded under the Excellence Initiative of the German government and the federal states. The MDSI pools the strengths of TUM in data sciences, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), from basic research to interdisciplinary applications. It will also teach data skills to master’s students, researchers and professionals.

Artificial Intelligence Research Studies Teaching President
Researcher with VR glasses
Reading time: 3 Min.

Research, continuing education and entrepreneurship

New center for digital education technologies

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) works for stronger research, continuing education and spin-offs relating to education technologies. At the new TUM Center for Educational Technologies interdisciplinary research teams will investigate the effectiveness of digital tools for learning and teaching and will develop new applications. The center will put this into practice using continuing education programs and by supporting start-ups.

Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Research Studies Teaching President
Reading time: 2 Min.

Top Bavarian government officials encourage TUM students

Summer semester officially starts

The new summer semester began on Monday for over 50,000 students at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The official kick-off featured a lecture attended by Bavarian Minister President Dr. Markus Söder, TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann and Bavarian Minister of Science and the Arts Markus Blume.

Community Campus news Studies Teaching President