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Alyssa Gilbert, Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London, at a discussion.
Reading time: 5 Min.

Global discourse series „One Topic, One Loop“: Alyssa Gilbert

Promoting climate innovation alone is not enough

How can universities integrate sustainability into their infrastructure and daily activities? In the global discourse series “One Topic, One Loop”, we present the perspectives of four universities from four different countries. Alyssa Gilbert, Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London, answers the question posed by Werner Lang, TUM's Vice President for Sustainable Transformation.

Research Sustainability Community
Martin Bichler, Professor of Decision Sciences and Systems
Reading time: 4 Min.

Interview with Prof. Martin Bichler on electricity pricing

“Splitting Germany into several price zones on the day-ahead power market might not achieve the intended goals”

The energy transition is a challenge for the power market: Temporal and locational variations in power generation result in relatively large fluctuations in the power supply and power prices. Grid infrastructure providers are increasingly forced to intervene in order to balance supply and demand and avoid power outages. Consequently, the EU Commission is assessing a possible split of the German uniform price zone and the day-ahead market into smaller price zones. Researchers have shown that smaller price zones would have little effects on the power price or re-dispatch measures. By contrast, the use of nodal pricing would reduce overall costs for providing energy by 9 percent.

Research Sustainability
Professor Allister Loder
Reading time: 4 Min.

NewIn: Allister Loder

“We don’t want to get rid of the car”

As a professor of mobility policy, Allister Loder is studying a topic of great current interest – but one that stirs up strong emotions. In the new issue of NewIn, he explains how an engineer ended up working in the social sciences, what Munich could learn from London, and how he plans to learn more about people’s everyday mobility needs.

Studies Research Sustainability Mobility Community
A child and a doctor give each other a "High 5"
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM part of newest German Center for Health Research

Center for Child and Adolescent Health launched

The newly founded German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ) will promote and network research on child and adolescent health throughout Germany. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) will be heavily involved at the DZKJ site in Munich. Julia Hauer, Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, is the vice spokesperson. This makes TUM one of only two German universities involved in all German Centers for Health Research.

Research Campus news
Reading time: 4 Min.

Compression standard for haptics published

Transmitting the sense of touch via the Internet

What JPEG, MP3 and MPEG are for images, audio and video, haptic codecs are for transmitting the sense of touch via the Internet. After eight years of standardization work under the consortium leadership of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), a standard for the compression and transmission of the sense of touch has been published for the first time under the name "Haptic Codecs for the Tactile Internet" (HCTI). It lays the foundation for tele-surgery, tele-driving and new online gaming experiences.

Cortical nerve cells from mice
Reading time: 3 Min.

Newly discovered subtypes and sex differences create new approaches for drugs

Insight into the molecular mechanisms of ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS for short, is a mysterious neurodegenerative disease that is almost always fatal. A consortium of researchers led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has systematically investigated the underlying molecular mechanisms of ALS. Among other things, the team discovered that ALS can be divided into subtypes. Depending on the subtype, different drugs could be effective. There are also clear differences in the molecular processes when comparing men and women.

Daniel Cremers, Professor for Computer Vision and Artifical Intelligence
Reading time: 2 Min.

New, more precise 3D reconstructions for autonomous driving and preservation of cultural artefacts

From two images to a 3D object

Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have succeeded in generating precise 3D reconstructions of objects using images from only two camera perspectives. Their method works even with images captured in their natural surroundings. Previously, such reconstructions were possible only with hundreds of perspectives or under laboratory conditions. Camera-based reconstructions are used in autonomous driving or when preserving historical monuments.

Research Artificial Intelligence
Reading time: 2 Min.

Victory against the Bund Naturschutz lawsuit

Administrative Court confirms lawful operation of the FRM II

The Bavarian Administrative Court has confirmed the legality of the operation of the FRM II research reactor. It dismissed a corresponding complaint by the Bund Naturschutz against the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz research neutron source in Garching. The Scientific Director of the FRM II, Prof. Dr. Christian Pfleiderer, said: "This means that this enormously important facility for science and medicine can continue to be operated."

Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM Industry on Campus partner invests 100 million euros

SAP research center opened at TUM Campus Garching

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) and SAP are deepening their intensive partnership with a new research center for artificial intelligence on the Garching campus. With an investment volume of 100 million euros, the building complex was officially opened on Wednesday. In the future, 700 SAP employees and 120 TUM researchers will work together on software solutions there.

President Research Campus news Artificial Intelligence Community
View of the "Light and Matter" exhibition with numerous interactive stations.
Reading time: 3 Min.

Special exhibition "Light and Matter" makes quantum physics tangible

A „Quantum“ Insight

From the scanner at the supermarket checkout to high-speed internet surfing through fibre optic cables: developments in quantum physics have long been part of our everyday lives and are widely used. In the new special exhibition ‘Light and Matter’, quantum optical phenomena are now being illuminated and made tangible at the Deutsches Museum. As part of the Cluster of Excellence Munich Centre for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), the exhibition also offers an insight into current research and an outlook on future applications.

Research Quantum Technologies Community


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