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A child and a doctor give each other a "High 5"
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM part of newest German Center for Health Research

Center for Child and Adolescent Health launched

The newly founded German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ) will promote and network research on child and adolescent health throughout Germany. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) will be heavily involved at the DZKJ site in Munich. Julia Hauer, Professor of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, is the vice spokesperson. This makes TUM one of only two German universities involved in all German Centers for Health Research.

Research Campus news
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM Industry on Campus partner invests 100 million euros

SAP research center opened at TUM Campus Garching

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) and SAP are deepening their intensive partnership with a new research center for artificial intelligence on the Garching campus. With an investment volume of 100 million euros, the building complex was officially opened on Wednesday. In the future, 700 SAP employees and 120 TUM researchers will work together on software solutions there.

President Research Campus news Artificial Intelligence Community
A soccer field seen from above
Reading time: 4 Min.

Sport informatics professor Daniel Link on data analysis at the European Championship

"Soccer is still a chaotic game"

Prof. Daniel Link uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze sports games. In this interview, he talks about how data is collected and processed in soccer, about a soccer hackathon at TUM and about how data analyses can help to improve the game.

Research Campus news Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Kristina Reiss, Emerita of Excellence und Ombudsperson Research at TUM
Reading time: 4 Min.

Good scientific practice

"The most important foundation of our work is trust"

Plagiarism, data manipulation, incorrect author citations – in cases of suspected scientific misconduct, researchers at TUM can and should contact Prof. Kristina Reiss. The TUM professor emerita of Mathematics Education has been Ombudsperson for good scientific practice since 2022.

Research Campus news
Reading time: 2 Min.

TUM Sustainability Day 2024 at the Garching Research Campus

"A grand festival of sustainability"

Sustainability is not a buzzword at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) but a serious mission. With the TUM Sustainable Futures Strategy 2030, the university set itself the goal a year and a half ago of integrating sustainability more deeply into its work and structure and also getting students and employees on board. The TUM Sustainability Day 2024 at the Garching research campus showed that this works.

President Studies Campus news Sustainability Community
TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann, Professor of Computer Science Prof. Manfred Broy, Friedrich L. Bauer's widow Hildegard Bauer, sculptor Ubbo Enninga, donor Ernst Denert, TUM President Emeritus Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann and Prof. Markus Schwaiger, President of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, next to the bust of Friedrich L. Bauer.
Reading time: 2 Min.

Father of informatics in Germany

TUM commemorates Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is marking the centenary of the birth of Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer, who held the university’s first informatics chair. A bust has now been officially unveiled outside the lecture hall named in his honor in the building of the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology in Garching. Prof. Bauer made decisive contributions toward establishing informatics as a scientific field. With ALGOL 60, he also laid the foundations for modern programming languages.

President Teaching Studies Campus news
High water in Thannhausen in 2024
Reading time: 2 Min.

Current information from HR

Floods: Paid time off for affected employees

Flooding and high water have caused devastating damage in Bavaria over the past few days. A state of emergency has been declared in some regions. If TUM employees are affected by this, they can be released from work under certain conditions, for example to secure their property or to deal with the consequences of the disaster.

Campus news Community
Three students, sitting amidst tall grasses, look together at a laptop screen
Reading time: 1 Min.

Sustainability Day on June 12

How we are making our university more sustainable

In the run-up to our Sustainability Day on June 12, our "We Are TUM" podcast is dedicated to the question of how our university is becoming more sustainable. We meet Werner Lang, Vice President for Sustainable Transformation, Monika Egerer, Professor of Urban Productive Ecosystems, Climate Protection Manager Jonathan Bauer and Sustainability Manager Veronica Becker.

Research Campus news Sustainability Community
Group photo of the TUM students participating in the EuroTeQ Collider 2024 in a lecture hall.
Reading time: 4 Min.

Students face real-world challenges at the EuroTeQ Collider

Creating sustainable networks

Creating connections with each other and our environment, strengthening them, and using them to drive the sustainability transformation – that's the aim of the fourth EuroTeQ Collider. In this EU-funded program, more than 60 TUM students recently tackled real-world problems from the business world. Three teams were particularly convincing and will now meet the project groups from the other EuroTeQ partner universities at the EuroTeQaThon in Paris. 

Teaching Studies Campus news Sustainability Community
People at a training event
Reading time: 2 Min.

EFMD Excellence in Practice Award for joint project with TÜV Süd

Award for continuing education program at TUM

The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) has awarded the Excellence in Practice Award Silver in the “Professional Development” category to the joint training program of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and TÜV Süd. For over ten years, this program has been enabling the company’s employees to meet the challenges of a globalized working world.

Campus news


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