
At TUM, early career researchers find an inspiring and excellent research environment and attractive prospects: competent support in acquiring third-party funding, continuing education and career programs, family services, and networking opportunities. Get to know us!

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TUM Talent Factory

The TUM Talent Factory is the first point of contact for all early career researchers at TUM and for external postdocs who want to realize a research project at our university. It offers individual advice on research funding, organizes further training, and coordinates funding programs for postdocs.

TUM Talent Factory

Paths to the TUM


TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship

Postdoctoral researchers who are currently conducting research abroad can apply for this fellowship to carry out a research project at TUM for two years. The 2025 call will open shortly and the deadline for applications is April 13, 2025 (23:59 CET). There will also be an info session on March 25 (14:00 CET) (Registration is required.).

See Fellowship

Entry for third-party funding

If you already have a TUM host (Professor or Junior Fellow), the TUM Talent Factory can provide you with information and advice on own third-party funding opportunities.

Proposal feedback

Welcome services

International postdocs, visiting professors, and their hosts at TUM are supported here with all the formalities involved in moving to Munich.

See services

Development opportunities at TUM

European Talent Academy

The program is a joint initiative of TUM and its partners Imperial College London (Imperial) and Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi). It supports young research talents in their careers, for example through contacts in politics, the establishment of an EU-wide network and workshops.

About the Academy

TUM Junior Fellows

Our university awards this title to junior researchers who have acquired independent, third-party-funded junior research groups at TUM in highly competitive programs. This allows them to be first reviewers for doctoral projects.

To the Fellowship


Continuing education and life-long learning

Career paths

TUM Talent Factory

TUM ForTe – Office for Research and Innovation
Arcisstr. 21
D-80333 Munich

TUM Talent Factory

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