Teaching and Quality Management

Combining excellent research with excellent teaching – that is the aspiration of TUM. Teaching at our university is carried out according to the highest didactic and technical standards, oriented towards learning objectives and competency.

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Teaching Methods

Here you will find an overview of the didactic principles on which teaching at TUM is based, as well as assistance in designing courses and examinations.

Awards and Competitions

At TUM, there are a variety of forums and competitions for innovative teaching formats, outstanding didactic concepts and the exchange on the latest developments.

Dialogue on Teaching

At TUM, there are a number of regular events on the culture of teaching and learning that provide impetus for lecturing and space for discussion and exchange.

Quality Management

The goal of quality management is to design, establish and further develop attractive, challenging and internationally competitive degree programs.

Training for Teaching

Whether didactics, e-learning or evaluation – TUM offers a wide range of consulting and training services on all topics related to studying and teaching.

Internationalization Language Services

The Internationalization Language Services coordinates translations into English as well as (copy) editing, and provides the dict.tum terminology database.

Contact Quality Management

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Quality Management

Arcisstr. 19
80333 München


Contact ProLehre

ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Barer Str. 19
80333 München

E-Mail: infospam prevention@prolehre.tum.de


Handouts, guides, and templates: documents on teaching and QM.


News: Teaching and Learning

Three students at an improvised table made of two plastic containers, in the background partitions with a multitude of written-on colored sticky notes.

Wanted: Innovative projects for study and teaching

The TUM Future Learning Initiative 2025 starts

Dynamic, competence-oriented, and at the cutting edge – the teaching of the future is being shaped at TUM. Who knows better what it takes than our students, teaching staff, and alumns. The TUM Future Learning Initiative aims to support their projects and implement their ideas. The Freunde der TUM – Association of Alumni and Friends is providing a total of 20,000 euros for this purpose. Proposals can be submitted until 31 May.

Teaching Studies Campus news Community

Podcast "We Are TUM"

How we use and shape AI

In this episode of "We Are TUM", we talk to CIO Alexander Braun about our university's new AI strategy. We also take a look at the current state of using artificial intelligence in research and teaching with Prof. Alena Buyx and Ben Lenk-Ostendorf.

Teaching Studies Research Artificial Intelligence Community
Reading time: 3 Min.

Artificial intelligence in university development

TUM issues a comprehensive AI strategy

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a far-reaching strategy for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in research, teaching, and administration. The TUM AI Strategy defines the framework for the responsible implementation and use of AI technologies in all dimensions of the university.

President Teaching Studies Research Campus news Artificial Intelligence Community
Over 200 students from different backgrounds are to be trained in the field of cyber security.
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM launches new program with support from Google

More cybersecurity specialists in Germany

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is launching a new Cybersecurity Program which will offer over 200 students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to learn more about the field of cybersecurity. Through the program, the students will also get an understanding of how the cybersecurity skills they learn in the classroom can be applied in real-life situations to help defend local organisations at risk from cyberattacks. To realise these goals, TUM is receiving up to 1 million US dollars in support from Google.org - as the only German university.

Teaching Studies Artificial Intelligence
Stefania Centrone is a professor of Philosophy of Science at TUM
Reading time: 3 Min.

Media training for researchers

“Communication is an essential part of our work”

With programs at the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning, our university supports its researchers in communicating the role of science in society. We asked three participants of a media training to sum up their experience.

TUM Magazine Teaching Public Engagement