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A tractor drives over a field and applies nitrogen fertilizer in a spray mist.
Reading time: 2 Min.

Agricultural policies in Germany

Regulations for ammonia reduction are successful

From the soil to the atmosphere — ammonia emissions pose a global issue for human health and the environment. In Germany, two regulations aim to reduce ammonia emissions from agriculture: the Fertilizer Application Ordinance (DüV) and Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA-Luft). Research led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) suggests that their implementation led to a significant reduction. The research identifies which measures are particularly effective and which are yet to be improved.

Research Sustainability
a doctor examining the lungs of a child with a stethoscope
Reading time: 3 Min.

Possible explanation for pneumonia despite promising therapies

Cystic fibrosis damages the immune system early on

Despite new medication, cystic fibrosis often leads to permanent lung damage. Working with an international team, researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have discovered that the disease causes changes in the immune system early in life, presumably even in newborns. These changes lead to frequent inflammation and are not affected by drugs targeting the altered mucus production.

Over 200 students from different backgrounds are to be trained in the field of cyber security.
Reading time: 3 Min.

TUM launches new program with support from Google

More cybersecurity specialists in Germany

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is launching a new Cybersecurity Program which will offer over 200 students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to learn more about the field of cybersecurity. Through the program, the students will also get an understanding of how the cybersecurity skills they learn in the classroom can be applied in real-life situations to help defend local organisations at risk from cyberattacks. To realise these goals, TUM is receiving up to 1 million US dollars in support from - as the only German university.

Teaching Studies Artificial Intelligence
Reading time: 2 Min.

Why do plants transport energy so efficiently and quickly?

Quantum mechanics helps with photosynthesis

Photosynthesis - mainly carried out by plants - is based on a remarkably efficient energy conversion process. To generate chemical energy, sunlight must first be captured and transported further. This happens practically loss-free and extremely quickly. A new study by the Chair of Dynamic Spectroscopy at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) shows that quantum mechanical effects play a key role in this process. A team led by Erika Keil and Prof. Jürgen Hauer discovered this through measurements and simulations.

Research Quantum Technologies Energy
Stefania Centrone is a professor of Philosophy of Science at TUM
Reading time: 3 Min.

Media training for researchers

“Communication is an essential part of our work”

With programs at the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning, our university supports its researchers in communicating the role of science in society. We asked three participants of a media training to sum up their experience.

TUM Magazine Teaching Public Engagement
Reading time: 1 Min.

121 sponsors support 906 students at TUM

Outstanding commitment to the Deutschlandstipendium

President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann has appealed for donations for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at TUM: "There are only a few moments in life when we have the opportunity to shape our present and future. The Deutschlandstipendium, which provides financial support to particularly talented and committed students, is such an opportunity." This winter semester, 906 students are benefiting from it. The money comes from 121 sponsors and is doubled by the federal government.

President Studies Campus news
Teens with a laptop
Reading time: 4 Min.

New PISA study

Teens uncertain how to assess online information

The majority of 15-year-olds in Germany know how to perform online searches, but lack confidence when it comes to assessing the quality of the information they find. They rate their skills in this regard at a lower level than the OECD average. They are also less likely to consider their teachers sufficiently competent to use digital media in the classroom. This was revealed in an analysis of the latest PISA study.

Prof. Bernhard Küster and a member of staff in the lab
Reading time: 1 Min.

Media Tip

Are proteins the key to a better future?

Can proteins revolutionize our understanding of health and medicine? The 3sat documentary “The Protein Revolution” sheds light on different perspectives on these building blocks of life and offers insights into the research of Prof. Bernhard Küster and Prof. Ute Weisz from the TUM School of Life Sciences.

TUM in the media
Machine learning methods are applied to process enormous quantities of data.
Reading time: 3 Min.

Artificial intelligence in biomedicine

A key to analyzing millions of individual cells

Our bodies are made up of around 75 billion cells. But what function does each individual cell perform and how greatly do a healthy person’s cells differ from those of someone with a disease? To draw conclusions, enormous quantities of data must be analyzed and interpreted. For this purpose, machine learning methods are applied. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Helmholtz Munich have now tested self-supervised learning as a promising approach for testing 20 million cells or more.

Research Artificial Intelligence
Researchers in a lab of the Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Reading time: 1 Min.

Times Higher Education Rankings

TUM in the top 25 in three subject areas

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of the world's top 25 universities in computer sciences, natural sciences and engineering. This is the result of the latest subject rankings published by the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE).

TUM in Rankings Studies Research Community


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