Entrepreneurship News


Start-up sewts succeeds with AI-based industrial robots

TUM graduates create robots to work with flexible textiles

The industrial robots from the Munich-based start-up sewts use AI algorithms to learn how to handle materials with unstable shapes. Laundries are already using the technology to automatically transfer towels to folding machines. The founders and graduates of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) now want to automate the processing of clothing returns in online retail.

Entrepreneurship Artificial Intelligence
Researchers in a robotics laboratory.
Reading time: 1 Min.

Top ranking for quality of degree programs

Number 5 in the world for shaping digital leaders

TUM is among the best universities in the world for preparing students for the digital economy. In the latest Digital Leaders in Higher Education rankings, it ranks among the top five, alongside Harvard University, the University of Cambridge, MIT and the University of Oxford.

TUM in Rankings Studies Entrepreneurship Community
Light helps a 3D printer to better bond print layers together.
Reading time: 4 Min.

TUM start-up LEAM offers new possibilities for additive manufacturing

Bundled light improves 3D printing

Tech start-up LEAM has succeeded in improving plastic 3D printing through light alone. This is made possible by high-performance LEDs and the targeted delivery of focused light to the component. The three founders got to know each other during their time at the Chair of Carbon Composites at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and have now used their knowledge to solve industrial problems. In the future, the new technology will enable companies to print complex structures at an exceptionally high component quality at a low cost.

Start-up team building a prototype.
Reading time: 2 Min.

Financial Times ranking

UnternehmerTUM is Europe's best start-up hub

Award for TUM's entrepreneurship ecosystem: The Financial Times has named UnternehmerTUM as the best start-up hub in Europe, scoring particularly well with its strong network. Other international media have also drawn attention to TUM's entrepreneurship successes.

Community Entrepreneurship TUM in the media TUM in Rankings
Reading time: 3 Min.

NewIn: Anne Tryba

Entrepreneurship is more than start-ups

Many problems can be solved with an entrepreneurial mindset and approach. Prof. Anne Tryba is conducting research into how this ability can be taught. In this issue of NewIn, she discusses what this has to do with the concerns of many students and her own experiences.

Community Entrepreneurship Research Studies