Examination Design

Exams have a significant influence on what and how students learn and how successful they are in their studies. But which examination format is the right one? How can we ensure that students achieve their learning objectives? And what organizational and legal framework conditions need to be taken into account?

Examination Formats

Examination Organization

Form for Booking Lecture Halls and Usage Agreement

Here you can find the form for booking rooms at TUM (German, DOTX, 57 KB).

Here you can find the usage agreement, that needs to be filled out prior to an event (German, DOCX, 51 KB).

Guides for Events on the Campuses

Here you can find the most important contacts and information for organizing an event at a glance:

Lecture Hall Plans, Media Technology, and Convention Equipment

Room plans for exam planning can be found in TUManager.

The Media technoolgy department is responsible for the technology in the lecture halls. There you can also borrow beamers and other equipment for lectures.

Convention equipment and furniture can also be rented.

Contact ProLehre

ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Barer Str. 19
80333 München

E-Mail: infospam prevention@prolehre.tum.de