Continuing Education for Experts and Executives

Through its Executive & Professional Education, the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning offers a wide range of scientifically based programs for the further education of experts and executives.

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In today’s dynamic work environment, knowledge renews itself even faster than in previous generations. At the Technical University of Munich, we do believe that it is our responsibility to make the latest findings and cutting-edge scientific research accessible for professionals. By drawing on TUM’s unique ecosystem, we strive to empower Executives and Professionals to transfer new knowledge into practice, become thought leaders in their field and to reach their full potential.

Through its Executive & Professional Education, the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning offers a portfolio of scientifically based programs for the continuing education of executives and professionals. Our programs support learners at all career levels and from diverse industries to pursue their individual career development and responsibly tackle current and future challenges within their organizations.


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Thomas Linkel

Executive Education

Our Executive Education programs unite the development of management capabilities and leadership skills with an understanding of the latest technological trends.

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Thomas Linkel

Professional Education

Our Professional Education programs combine cutting-edge research from all disciplines of the Technical University of Munich with best-practices from industry.

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Tailored to the needs of professionals

With our tailored programs and flexible formats we ensure that the personal and professional development needs of our participants are met. Our program formats range from short one day workshops, to certifications with industry standard, and full academic master degrees awarded by the Technical University of Munich (MBA, M.Sc.). Individual leadership development programs as well as customized programs for organizations are also part of the Executive & Professional Education portfolio at TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning.

Our programs are held in German or English, either at one of TUM’s campuses, purely online and self-paced or in a blended format combining online and face-to-face courses. We also pay special attention to the creation of valuable networking opportunities between our participants, lecturers and guest speakers from leading corporations, family owned-businesses and start-ups.

Customized Programs

When developing customized programs for companies and organizations, we seek to build long-term partnerships. The programs are designed in step with our clients to ensure the needs of their employees are met. This tailored approach helps to drive transformation and innovation processes within the organizations of our clients. Modern tools and teaching methods enable a unique learning experience and goal-oriented competence development.

To our Customized Programs

Purely Online Programs

Our Purely Online Programs are interactive online courses that are accessible anytime, anywhere. Participants profit from self-paced and engaging learning units, short videos, knowledge tests and networking opportunities. After successful completion participants receive an official certification by TUM. Purely Online Programs can enrich the continuing education of professionals, with the flexibility offered particularly compatible with tight working schedules.

To our Purely Online Programs

TUM as the ideal environment for LifeLong Learning

Ideally placed at the center of TUM’s ecosystem, all continuing education programs reflect the university's entrepreneurial mindset and combine the latest findings from research, technology and practice:

We unite research and practice.

TUM is a pioneer in the development of new technologies and a leader in natural and social sciences. From medicine to management to leadership – the TUM Schools cover the entire range of disciplines in continuing education. We draw on their knowledge and transfer cutting-edge research to the needs of individuals and organizations from industry.

We foster a responsible mindset.

The content, teaching and design of our programs are characterized by a value driven approach: We are convinced that only a responsible mindset will help us tackle the current and future challenges society faces in an effective and sustainable way.

We use the potential of technology-enhanced learning.

At TUM, we develop and integrate the latest technology-enhanced teaching and learning methods within our further education programs. Always having the goals of our participants in mind, we follow a learning approach that is both structured and individualized to help them reach their full potential.

We draw on an excellent international network.

TUM’s unique network consists of leading research institutions, renowned companies and cutting-edge start-ups. In our continuing education programs, we promote interdisciplinary exchange and network our participants and alumni with partners from academia and business. 

Findings from key areas of TUM research and their relevance for practice: The podcast of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning presents socially relevant topics - and the people behind them.

Listen to the podcast


We regularly inform you about news and current offers in the Institute's newsletters.


Technical University of Munich

TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Executive & Professional Education

Bernhard Kraus
Managing Director

Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich

Tel. +49 89 289 28474
