Teaching Design
Teaching staff at TUM have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to good teaching. In order to systematize and supplement this knowledge, the most important factors and framework conditions of good teaching are summarized on these pages.
Basic Principles
Learning goal orientation and competence orientation are the basic principles of modern university teaching. What do they mean?
Teaching Formats
Different teaching formats have different strengths. Which format is best suited for what?
Instructional Design
With this initiative, ProLehre supports teachers in further developing their teaching – from teaching strategy via course conception to the design of materials.
Factors for Success
Good teaching is a complex interplay; many factors influence the teaching and learning process.
Educational Technology
The Institute for LifeLong Learning's EdTech programs offer innovative educational formats to build leadership skills.
Since 07.06.2021 a number of changes in copyright law have been in force, which also have an impact on the possibility of using copyrighted content in teaching and research.
The colleagues from the University of Würzburg provide an overview of the changes and their consequences at www.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de/dienste/it-recht/lehre-digital/ (German).
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ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Barer Str. 19
80333 München
E-Mail: info @prolehre.tum.de